Saturday, May 30, 2009

Costumes Party Starting With B

For my 30th birthday party this year I decided to have a costume party starting with B, being the initial of my first name.

It was a lengthy process for me to decide on what I was going as due to the fact that my costume had to be the best. I made a few decisions along the way but due to the popularity of some costumes I ended up changing my mind several times.

My first choice for my costume starting with b was bride of darkness which I found a costume, wig and fangs on eBay for a total cost of under $50 which luckily I had not brought at this stage.

My second choice after visiting the local costume hire shops was a bee but found out that a friend of mine was going as this and another friend came to the party as one as well.

My third choice was Buffy the Vampire Slayer as I am a huge fan of the TV series but after attending a previous costume party knew that I didn't really want to go as a blonde.

I finally came to the decision for my costume starting with b to go as the X-men comic character Blink. I had fun hunting down what I needed and in the end the total costume cost me under $50.

I found the dress in a local op shop which I altered to suit the character. I purchased material and made the neck collar and belt from felt and used aluminium foil for the circles. The arm and boot covers I made myself from t-shirt type material. The javelin weapons I used bamboo which was growing in our back yard and inserted wooden food skewers to make tips and painted white. The weapon carrier I used a biscuit box and covered with brown felt and attached a matching colour loop type handle.

The body paint I found on eBay. The wig I found in the local cheap shop and ironed the hair a bit straighter (original wig had bangs). As cheap wigs use plastic for the hair I made sure the iron was not too hot and used a tea towel over the top to stop it melting. The ears were a bit harder to find. After checking local costume hire shops for flesh coloured elf ears with no luck, with a suggestion I found them at Bridges Brothers located in Hobart.